All functions |
Apply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors |
Generate a transparent RGB color |
Report estimates across different models |
Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors |
Extract graph |
Finds elements in vector or column-names in data.frame/matrix |
Extract i.i.d. decomposition (influence function) from model object |
Missing value generator |
Extract model |
Convert to/from NA |
Newton-Raphson method |
Dose response calculation for binomial regression models |
Generic print method |
Define range constraints of parameters |
Add variable to (model) object |
Backdoor criterion |
Label elements of object |
Define constant risk difference or relative risk association for binary exposure |
Combine matrices to block diagonal structure |
Longitudinal Bone Mineral Density Data (Wide format) |
Data |
Generic bootstrap method |
Calculate bootstrap estimates of a lvm object |
Simulated data |
Longitudinal Bone Mineral Density Data |
Generic cancel method |
Extract children or parent elements of object |
Identify points on plot |
Closed testing procedure |
Add color-bar to plot |
Finds the unique commutation matrix |
Statistical tests |
Composite Likelihood for probit latent variable models |
Add Confidence limits bar to plot |
Calculate confidence limits for parameters |
Conformal prediction |
Add non-linear constraints to latent variable model |
Create contrast matrix |
Generic method for extracting correlation coefficients of model object |
Add covariance structure to Latent Variable Model |
Split data into folds |
Adds curly brackets to plot |
Returns device-coordinates and plot-region |
Calculate diagnostic tests for 2x2 table |
Check d-separation criterion |
Identify candidates of equivalent models |
Estimate parameters and influence function. |
Estimation of functional of parameters |
Estimation of parameters in a Latent Variable Model (lvm) |
Add an observed event time outcome to a latent variable model. |
fplot |
Read Mplus output |
Read SAS output |
Extract model summaries and GOF statistics for model object |
Hubble data |
Hubble data |
Extract i.i.d. decomposition from model object |
Organize several image calls (for visualizing categorical data) |
Data |
Fix mean parameters in 'lvm'-object |
For internal use |
Define intervention |
Plot/estimate surface |
Define labels of graph |
Set global options for |
Initialize new latent variable model |
Create random missing data |
Two-stage (non-linear) measurement error |
Missing data example |
Estimate mixture latent variable model. |
Model searching |
Estimate probabilities in contingency table |
Estimate mixture latent variable model |
Example data (nonlinear model) |
Example SEM data (nonlinear) |
Concatenation operator |
Matching operator (x not in y) oposed to the |
Define variables as ordinal |
Univariate cumulative link regression models |
Generic method for finding indeces of model parameters |
Calculate partial correlations |
Extract pathways in model graph |
Polychoric correlation |
Convert pdf to raster format |
Plot method for 'estimate' objects |
Plot path diagram |
Plot method for simulation 'sim' objects |
Plot regression lines |
Prediction in structural equation models |
Predict function for latent variable models |
Appending |
Add regression association to latent variable model |
Create/extract 'reverse'-diagonal matrix or off-diagonal elements |
Remove variables from (model) object. |
Performs a rotation in the plane |
Calculate simultaneous confidence limits by Scheffe's method |
Example SEM data |
Serotonin data |
Data |
Simulate model |
Monte Carlo simulation |
Spaghetti plot |
Stack estimating equations |
Extract subset of latent variable model |
Summary method for 'sim' objects |
Time-dependent parameters |
Converts strings to formula |
Trace operator |
Trim string of (leading/trailing/all) white spaces |
Twin menarche data |
Two-stage estimator |
Two-stage estimator (non-linear SEM) |
Cross-validated two-stage estimator |
Extract variable names from latent variable model |
vec operator |
Wait for user input (keyboard or mouse) |
Weighted K-means |
Wrap vector |
Regression model for binomial data with unkown group of immortals |