This simulated data mimics a PET imaging study where the 5-HT2A receptor and serotonin transporter (SERT) binding potential has been quantified into 8 different regions. The 5-HT2A cortical regions are considered high-binding regions measurements. These measurements can be regarded as proxy measures of the extra-cellular levels of serotonin in the brain

daynumericScan day of the year
agenumericAge at baseline scan
memnumericMemory performance score
deprnumericDepression (mild) status 500 days after baseline
gene1numericGene marker 1 (HTR2A)
gene2numericGene marker 2 (HTTTLPR)
caunumericSERT binding, Caudate Nucleus
thnumericSERT binding, Thalamus
putnumericSERT binding, Putamen
midnumericSERT binding, Midbrain
acinumeric5-HT2A binding, Anterior cingulate gyrus
pcinumeric5-HT2A binding, Posterior cingulate gyrus
sfcnumeric5-HT2A binding, Superior frontal cortex
parnumeric5-HT2A binding, Parietal cortex



