Apply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors
By(x, INDICES, FUN, COLUMNS, array = FALSE, ...)
Data frame
Indices (vector or list of indices, vector of column names, or formula of column names)
A function to be applied to data frame subsets of 'data'.
(Optional) subset of columns of x to work on
if TRUE an array/matrix is always returned
Additional arguments to lower-level functions
Simple wrapper of the 'by' function
#> Type
#> Treatment Quebec Mississippi
#> nonchilled 435 435
#> chilled 435 435
#> Treatment: nonchilled
#> Type: Quebec
#> conc uptake
#> 435.00000 35.33333
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Treatment: chilled
#> Type: Quebec
#> conc uptake
#> 435.00000 31.75238
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Treatment: nonchilled
#> Type: Mississippi
#> conc uptake
#> 435.00000 25.95238
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> Treatment: chilled
#> Type: Mississippi
#> conc uptake
#> 435.00000 15.81429