Cross-validated two-stage estimator for non-linear SEM
model 1 (exposure measurement error model)
model 2
optimization parameters for model 1
optimization parameters for model 1
boundary points for natural cubic spline basis
number of mixture components
spline degrees of freedom
automatically fix parameters for identification (TRUE)
calculation of standard errors (TRUE)
Number of folds (cross-validation)
Number of repeats of cross-validation
print information (>0)
additional arguments to lower
## Reduce Ex.Timings##'
m1 <- lvm( x1+x2+x3 ~ u, latent= ~u)
m2 <- lvm( y ~ 1 )
m <- functional(merge(m1,m2), y ~ u, value=function(x) sin(x)+x)
distribution(m, ~u1) <- uniform.lvm(-6,6)
d <- sim(m,n=500,seed=1)
nonlinear(m2) <- y~u1
if (requireNamespace('mets', quietly=TRUE)) {
val <- twostageCV(m1, m2, data=d, std.err=FALSE, df=2:6, nmix=1:2,
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Selected mixture model: 1 component
#> AIC1
#> 1 5130.210
#> 2 5132.707
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Selected spline model degrees of freedom: 3
#> Knots: -2.674 -0.7956 1.082 2.96
#> RMSE(nfolds=2, rep=1)
#> df:1 5.353550
#> df:2 5.260141
#> df:3 4.851035
#> df:4 5.329716
#> df:5 6.220957
#> df:6 5.792509
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Estimate Std. Error Z-value P-value
#> Regressions:
#> y~u1_1 1.38092
#> y~u1_2 0.02123
#> y~u1_3 -0.08440
#> Intercepts:
#> y -0.33435
#> Residual Variances:
#> y 1.61964