Calculate prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values
positive = 2,
exact = FALSE,
p0 = NA,
confint = c("logit", "arcsin", "pseudoscore", "exact"),
Table should be in the format with outcome in columns and test in rows. Data.frame should be with test in the first column and outcome in the second column.
M <- as.table(matrix(c(42,12,
#> Call: diagtest(table = M, exact = TRUE)
#> Confidence limits: exact
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> gold
#> rater no yes no yes
#> no 42 12 0.359 0.103
#> yes 35 28 0.299 0.239
#> Positive outcome: 'yes'
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> Prevalence 0.34188 0.25670 0.43528
#> Test 0.53846 0.44389 0.63104
#> Sensitivity 0.70000 0.53468 0.83437
#> Specificity 0.54545 0.42790 0.65940
#> PositivePredictiveValue 0.44444 0.31917 0.57511
#> NegativePredictiveValue 0.77778 0.64400 0.87956
#> Accuracy 0.59829 0.50363 0.68785
#> Homogeneity 0.74468 0.59650 0.86055 0.0011
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Prevalence: Prob( outcome+ )
#> Test: Prob( test+ )
#> Sensitivity (True positive rate): Prob( test+ | outcome+ )
#> Specificity (True negative rate): Prob( test- | outcome- )
#> Positive predictive value (Precision): Prob( outcome+ | test+ )
#> Negative predictive value: Prob( outcome- | test- )
#> Accuracy: Prob( correct classification )
#> Homogeneity/Symmetry: Prob( outcome+, test- | discordant ), H0: p=0.5