This document provides a brief tutorial to analyzing twin data using
the mets
In the following we examine the heritability of Body Mass Indexkorkeila_bmi_1991hjelmborg_bmi_2008, based on data on self-reported BMI-values from a random sample of 11,411 same-sex twins. First, we will load data
#> tvparnr bmi age gender zyg id num
#> 1 1 26.33289 57.51212 male DZ 1 1
#> 2 1 25.46939 57.51212 male DZ 1 2
#> 3 2 28.65014 56.62696 male MZ 2 1
#> 5 3 28.40909 57.73097 male DZ 3 1
#> 7 4 27.25089 53.68683 male DZ 4 1
#> 8 4 28.07504 53.68683 male DZ 4 2
The data is on long format with one subject per row.
: twin idbmi
: Body Mass Index
: Age (years)gender
: Gender factor
: zygosity (MZ, DZ)We transpose the data allowing us to do pairwise analyses
twinwide <- fast.reshape(twinbmi, id="tvparnr",varying=c("bmi"))
#> tvparnr bmi1 age gender zyg id num bmi2
#> 1 1 26.33289 57.51212 male DZ 1 1 25.46939
#> 3 2 28.65014 56.62696 male MZ 2 1 NA
#> 5 3 28.40909 57.73097 male DZ 3 1 NA
#> 7 4 27.25089 53.68683 male DZ 4 1 28.07504
#> 9 5 27.77778 52.55838 male DZ 5 1 NA
#> 11 6 28.04282 52.52231 male DZ 6 1 22.30936
Next we plot the association within each zygosity group
We here show the log-transformed data which is slightly more symmetric and more appropiate for the twin analysis (see Figure @ref(fig:scatter1) and @ref(fig:scatter2))
The plots and raw association measures shows considerable stronger dependence in the MZ twins, thus indicating genetic influence of the trait
cor.test(mz[,1],mz[,2], method="spearman")
#> Spearman's rank correlation rho
#> data: mz[, 1] and mz[, 2]
#> S = 165457624, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
#> sample estimates:
#> rho
#> 0.6956209
cor.test(dz[,1],dz[,2], method="spearman")
#> Spearman's rank correlation rho
#> data: dz[, 1] and dz[, 2]
#> S = 2162514570, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
#> sample estimates:
#> rho
#> 0.4012686
Ńext we examine the marginal distribution (GEE model with working independence)
l0 <- lm(bmi ~ gender + I(age-40), data=twinbmi)
estimate(l0, id=twinbmi$tvparnr)
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 23.3687 0.054534 23.2618 23.4756 0.000e+00
#> gendermale 1.4077 0.073216 1.2642 1.5512 2.230e-82
#> I(age - 40) 0.1177 0.004787 0.1083 0.1271 1.499e-133
l1 <- lm(bmi ~ gender*ns(age,3), data=twinbmi)
marg1 <- estimate(l1, id=twinbmi$tvparnr)
dm <- lava::Expand(twinbmi,
df <- lava::Expand(twinbmi,
plot(marg1, function(p) model.matrix(l1,data=dm)%*%p,
data=dm["age"], ylab="BMI", xlab="Age",
plot(marg1, function(p) model.matrix(l1,data=df)%*%p,
data=df["age"], col="red", add=TRUE)
legend("bottomright", c("Male","Female"),
col=c("black","red"), lty=1, bty="n")
We can decompose the trait into the following variance components
Dissimilarity of MZ twins arises from unshared environmental effects only, $\cor(E_1,E_2)=0$ and
$$\begin{align*} \cor(A_1^{MZ},A_2^{MZ}) = 1, \quad \cor(D_1^{MZ},D_2^{MZ}) = 1, \end{align*}$$
$$\begin{align*} \cor(A_1^{DZ},A_2^{DZ}) = 0.5, \quad \cor(D_1^{DZ},D_2^{DZ}) = 0.25, \end{align*}$$
$$\begin{gather*} \cov(Y_{1},Y_{2}) = \\ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_A^2 & 2\Phi\sigma_A^2 \\ 2\Phi\sigma_A^2 & \sigma_A^2 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_C^2 & \sigma_C^2 \\ \sigma_C^2 & \sigma_C^2 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_D^2 & \Delta_{7}\sigma_D^2 \\ \Delta_{7}\sigma_D^2 & \sigma_D^2 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_E^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_E^2 \end{pmatrix} \end{gather*}$$
dd <- na.omit(twinbmi)
Saturated model (different marginals in MZ and DZ twins and different marginals for twin 1 and twin 2):
l0 <- twinlm(bmi ~ age+gender, data=dd, DZ="DZ", zyg="zyg", id="tvparnr", type="sat")
Different marginals for MZ and DZ twins (but same marginals within a pair)
lf <- twinlm(bmi ~ age+gender, data=dd,DZ="DZ", zyg="zyg", id="tvparnr", type="flex")
Same marginals but free correlation with MZ, DZ
lu <- twinlm(bmi ~ age+gender, data=dd, DZ="DZ", zyg="zyg", id="tvparnr", type="eqmarg")
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> bmi.1@1 18.6037 0.251036 18.1116 19.0957 0.000e+00
#> bmi.1~age.1@1 0.1189 0.005635 0.1078 0.1299 9.177e-99
#> bmi.1~gendermale.1@1 1.3848 0.086573 1.2151 1.5544 1.376e-57
#> log(var)@1 2.4424 0.022095 2.3991 2.4857 0.000e+00
#> atanh(rhoMZ)@1 0.7803 0.036249 0.7092 0.8513 9.008e-103
#> atanh(rhoDZ)@2 0.2987 0.020953 0.2576 0.3397 4.288e-46
A formal test of genetic effects can be obtained by comparing the MZ and DZ correlation:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [atanh(rhoMZ)@1] - [a.... 0.4816 0.04177 0.3997 0.5635 9.431e-31
#> Null Hypothesis:
#> [atanh(rhoMZ)@1] - [atanh(rhoDZ)@2] = 0
We also consider the ACE model
ace0 <- twinlm(bmi ~ age+gender, data=dd, DZ="DZ", zyg="zyg", id="tvparnr", type="ace")
#> Estimate Std. Error Z value Pr(>|z|)
#> bmi 1.8599e+01 2.5576e-01 72.720 <2e-16
#> sd(A) 2.7270e+00 4.2658e-02 63.927 <2e-16
#> sd(C) 1.7129e-06 3.1064e-01 0.000 1
#> sd(E) 2.0276e+00 3.4787e-02 58.286 <2e-16
#> bmi~age 1.1892e-01 5.6246e-03 21.142 <2e-16
#> bmi~gendermale 1.3846e+00 8.8748e-02 15.601 <2e-16
#> MZ-pairs DZ-pairs
#> 1483 2788
#> Variance decomposition:
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5%
#> A 0.64399 0.61793 0.67005
#> C 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
#> E 0.35601 0.32995 0.38207
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5%
#> Broad-sense heritability 0.64399 0.61793 0.67005
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5%
#> Correlation within MZ: 0.64399 0.61718 0.66931
#> Correlation within DZ: 0.32200 0.30890 0.33497
#> 'log Lik.' -22019.66 (df=6)
#> AIC: 44051.32
#> BIC: 44089.47
[korkeila_bmi_1991] Korkeila, Kaprio, Rissanen & Koskenvuo, Effects of gender and age on the heritability of body mass index, Int J Obes, 15(10), 647-654 (1991). ↩︎
[hjelmborg_bmi_2008] Hjelmborg, Fagnani, Silventoinen, McGue, Korkeila, Christensen, Rissanen & Kaprio, Genetic influences on growth traits of BMI: a longitudinal study of adult twins, Obesity (Silver Spring), 16(4), 847-852 (2008). ↩︎