Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative hazards
death.cumhaz = NULL,
nu = rep(1, 3),
share1 = 0.3,
vargamD = 2,
vargam12 = 0.5,
gap.time = FALSE,
max.recurrent = 100,
cens = NULL,
number of id's
cumulative hazard of recurrent events
cumulative hazard of recurrent events of type 2
cumulative hazard of death
powers of random effects where nu > -1/shape
how random effect for death splits into two parts
variance of random effect for death
shared random effect for N1 and N2
if true simulates gap-times with specified cumulative hazard
limits number recurrent events to 100
rate of censoring exponential distribution
Additional arguments to lower level funtions
Model is constructed such that marginals are on specified form by linear approximations of cumulative hazards that are on a specific form to make them equivalent to marginals after integrating out over survivors. Therefore E(dN_1 | D>t) = cumhaz, E(dN_2 | D>t) = cumhaz2, and hazard of death is death.cumhazard
Must give hazard of death and two recurrent events. Hazard of death is death.cumhazard two event types and their dependence can be specified but the two recurrent events need to share random effect.
Random effect for death Z.death=(Zd1+Zd2), Z1=(Zd1^nu1) Z12, Z2=(Zd2^nu2) Z12^nu3 $$Z.death=Zd1+Zd2$$ gamma distributions $$Zdj$$ gamma distribution with mean parameters (sharej), vargamD, share2=1-share1 $$Z12$$ gamma distribution with mean 1 and variance vargam12
## getting some rates to mimick
dr <- drcumhaz
base1 <- base1cumhaz
base4 <- base4cumhaz
rr <- simRecurrentTS(1000,base1,base4,death.cumhaz=dr)
#> status 0 1 2
#> death
#> 0 138 2390 414
#> 1 862 0 0