Fits multinomial regression model $$ P_i = \frac{ \exp( X^\beta_i ) }{ \sum_{j=1}^K \exp( X^\beta_j ) }$$ for $$i=1,..,K$$ where $$\beta_1 = 0$$, such that $$\sum_j P_j = 1$$ using phreg function. Thefore the ratio $$\frac{P_i}{P_1} = \exp( X^\beta_i )$$

mlogit(formula, data, offset = NULL, weights = NULL, fix.X = FALSE, ...)



formula with outcome (see coxph)


data frame


offsets for partial likelihood


for score equations


to have same coefficients for all categories


Additional arguments to lower level funtions


Coefficients give log-Relative-Risk relative to baseline group (first level of factor, so that it can reset by relevel command). Standard errors computed based on sandwhich form $$ DU^-1 \sum U_i^2 DU^-1$$.

Can also get influence functions (possibly robust) via iid() function, response should be a factor.

Can fit cumulative odds model as a special case of interval.logitsurv.discrete


Thomas Scheike


dfactor(bmt) <- cause1f~cause
drelevel(bmt,ref=3) <- cause3f~cause
#> cause1f #levels=:3 
#> [1] "0" "1" "2"
#> -----------------------------------------
#> cause3f #levels=:3 
#> [1] "2" "0" "1"
#> -----------------------------------------

mreg <- mlogit(cause1f~+1,bmt)
#>     n events
#>  1224    408
#>  1224 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>                   Estimate       S.E.    dU^-1/2 P-value
#> XX(Intercept).2  0.0062305  0.1116297  0.1116297  0.9555
#> XX(Intercept).3 -0.6092657  0.1332076  0.1332076  0.0000
#> exp(coeffients):
#>                 Estimate    2.5%  97.5%
#> XX(Intercept).2  1.00625 0.80851 1.2523
#> XX(Intercept).3  0.54375 0.41881 0.7060

mreg <- mlogit(cause1f~tcell+platelet,bmt)
#>     n events
#>  1224    408
#>  1224 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>                 Estimate     S.E.  dU^-1/2 P-value
#> XX(Intercept).2  0.25002  0.13906  0.13858  0.0722
#> XXtcell.2       -0.28389  0.36431  0.36285  0.4358
#> XXplatelet.2    -0.68611  0.24797  0.24956  0.0057
#> XX(Intercept).3 -0.56565  0.16921  0.17078  0.0008
#> XXtcell.3        0.50505  0.36481  0.36226  0.1662
#> XXplatelet.3    -0.35890  0.29130  0.28727  0.2179
#> exp(coeffients):
#>                 Estimate    2.5%  97.5%
#> XX(Intercept).2  1.28406 0.97773 1.6864
#> XXtcell.2        0.75285 0.36864 1.5375
#> XXplatelet.2     0.50353 0.30971 0.8187
#> XX(Intercept).3  0.56799 0.40767 0.7914
#> XXtcell.3        1.65707 0.81062 3.3874
#> XXplatelet.3     0.69844 0.39462 1.2362

mreg3 <- mlogit(cause3f~tcell+platelet,bmt)
#>     n events
#>  1224    408
#>  1224 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>                 Estimate     S.E.  dU^-1/2 P-value
#> XX(Intercept).2  0.56565  0.16921  0.17078  0.0008
#> XXtcell.2       -0.50505  0.36481  0.36226  0.1662
#> XXplatelet.2     0.35890  0.29130  0.28727  0.2179
#> XX(Intercept).3  0.81567  0.16346  0.16467  0.0000
#> XXtcell.3       -0.78894  0.39244  0.38890  0.0444
#> XXplatelet.3    -0.32721  0.30423  0.30139  0.2821
#> exp(coeffients):
#>                 Estimate    2.5%  97.5%
#> XX(Intercept).2  1.76059 1.26364 2.4530
#> XXtcell.2        0.60347 0.29521 1.2336
#> XXplatelet.2     1.43175 0.80893 2.5341
#> XX(Intercept).3  2.26070 1.64100 3.1144
#> XXtcell.3        0.45433 0.21053 0.9804
#> XXplatelet.3     0.72093 0.39713 1.3087

## inverse information standard errors 
#>                 Estimate Std.Err    2.5%    97.5%   P-value
#> XX(Intercept).2   0.5657  0.1708  0.2309  0.90038 9.259e-04
#> XXtcell.2        -0.5051  0.3623 -1.2151  0.20497 1.633e-01
#> XXplatelet.2      0.3589  0.2873 -0.2041  0.92194 2.115e-01
#> XX(Intercept).3   0.8157  0.1647  0.4929  1.13842 7.294e-07
#> XXtcell.3        -0.7889  0.3889 -1.5512 -0.02672 4.249e-02
#> XXplatelet.3     -0.3272  0.3014 -0.9179  0.26350 2.776e-01

## predictions based on seen response or not 
newdata <- data.frame(tcell=c(1,1,1),platelet=c(0,1,1),cause1f=c("2","1","0"))
#>           0         1         2
#> 1 0.3438904 0.3324396 0.3236700
#> 2 0.4663875 0.2270204 0.3065921
#> 3 0.4663875 0.2270204 0.3065921
#>        pred         se       lower     upper
#> 1 0.3236700 0.13603308  0.05705011 0.5902900
#> 2 0.2270204 0.12225406 -0.01259315 0.4666340
#> 3 0.4663875 0.07376361  0.32181348 0.6109615