Risk regression with binary exposure and nuisance model for the odds-product.
Let \(A\) be the binary exposure, \(V\) the set of covariates, and \(Y\) the binary response variable, and define \(p_a(v) = P(Y=1 \mid A=a, V=v), a\in\{0,1\}\).
The target parameter is either the relative risk $$\mathrm{RR}(v) = \frac{p_1(v)}{p_0(v)}$$ or the risk difference $$\mathrm{RD}(v) = p_1(v)-p_0(v)$$
We assume a target parameter model given by either $$\log\{RR(v)\} = \alpha^t v$$ or $$\mathrm{arctanh}\{RD(v)\} = \alpha^t v$$ and similarly a working linear nuisance model for the odds-product $$\phi(v) = \log\left(\frac{p_{0}(v)p_{1}(v)}{(1-p_{0}(v))(1-p_{1}(v))}\right) = \beta^t v$$.
A propensity model for \(E(A=1|V)\) is also fitted using a logistic regression working model $$\mathrm{logit}\{E(A=1\mid V=v)\} = \gamma^t v.$$
If both the odds-product model and the propensity model are correct the estimator is efficient. Further, the estimator is consistent in the union model, i.e., the estimator is double-robust in the sense that only one of the two models needs to be correctly specified to get a consistent estimate.
nuisance = ~1,
propensity = ~1,
target = ~1,
type = "rr",
optimal = TRUE,
std.err = TRUE,
start = NULL,
mle = FALSE,
formula (see details below)
nuisance model (formula)
propensity model (formula)
(optional) target model (formula)
optional weights
type of association measure (rd og rr)
If TRUE optimal weights are calculated
If TRUE standard errors are calculated
optional starting values
Semi-parametric (double-robust) estimate or MLE (TRUE gives MLE)
additional arguments to unconstrained optimization routine (nlminb)
An object of class 'riskreg.targeted
' is returned. See
for more details about this class and its
generic functions.
The 'formula' argument should be given as response ~ exposure
| target-formula | nuisance-formula
or response ~ exposure | target
| nuisance | propensity
E.g., riskreg(y ~ a | 1 | x+z | x+z, data=...)
Alternatively, the model can specifed using the target, nuisance and
propensity arguments: riskreg(y ~ a, target=~1, nuisance=~x+z, ...)
The riskreg_fit
function can be used with matrix inputs rather than
Richardson, T. S., Robins, J. M., & Wang, L. (2017). On modeling and estimation for the relative risk and risk difference. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(519), 1121–1130. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1192546
m <- lvm(a[-2] ~ x,
z ~ 1,
lp.target[1] ~ 1,
lp.nuisance[-1] ~ 2*x)
distribution(m,~a) <- binomial.lvm("logit")
m <- binomial.rr(m, "y","a","lp.target","lp.nuisance")
d <- sim(m,5e2,seed=1)
I <- model.matrix(~1, d)
X <- model.matrix(~1+x, d)
with(d, riskreg_mle(y, a, I, X, type="rr"))
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9453 0.1150 0.7198 1.1707 2.092e-16
#> odds-product:(Intercept) -0.8068 0.3031 -1.4009 -0.2126 7.783e-03
#> odds-product:x 2.3296 0.3914 1.5624 3.0969 2.659e-09
with(d, riskreg_fit(y, a, nuisance=X, propensity=I, type="rr"))
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9469 0.113 0.7254 1.168 5.418e-17
riskreg(y ~ a | 1, nuisance=~x , data=d, type="rr")
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9469 0.113 0.7254 1.168 5.418e-17
## Model with same design matrix for nuisance and propensity model:
with(d, riskreg_fit(y, a, nuisance=X, type="rr"))
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9402 0.1173 0.7104 1.17 1.082e-15
## a <- riskreg(y ~ a, target=~z, nuisance=~x, propensity=~x, data=d, type="rr")
a <- riskreg(y ~ a | z, nuisance=~x, propensity=~x, data=d, type="rr")
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9797 0.1212 0.7421 1.217291 6.365e-16
#> z -0.2218 0.1115 -0.4404 -0.003204 4.674e-02
predict(a, d[1:5,])
#> [1] 0.1491919 0.6897799 0.1040211 0.3736667 0.3304784
riskreg(y ~ a, nuisance=~x, data=d, type="rr", mle=TRUE)
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.9453 0.1150 0.7198 1.1707 2.092e-16
#> odds-product:(Intercept) -0.8068 0.3031 -1.4009 -0.2126 7.783e-03
#> odds-product:x 2.3296 0.3914 1.5624 3.0969 2.659e-09