Predictive model scoring
type = "quantitative",
levels = NULL,
metrics = NULL,
weights = NULL,
names = NULL,
object = NULL,
newdata = NULL,
messages = 1
Observed response
model predictions (continuous predictions or class probabilities (matrices))
continuous or categorical response (the latter is automatically chosen if response is a factor, otherwise a continuous response is assumed)
(optional) unique levels in response variable
which metrics to report
optional frequency weights
optional names of models coments (given as ..., alternatively these can be named arguments)
optional model object
optional new data.frame
controls amount of messages/warnings (0: none)
Numeric matrix of dimension m x p, where m is the number of different models and p is the number of model metrics
dat <- csplit(iris,2)
g1 <- NB(Species ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, data=dat[[1]])
g2 <- NB(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=dat[[1]])
pr1 <- predict(g1, newdata=dat[[2]], wide=TRUE)
pr2 <- predict(g2, newdata=dat[[2]], wide=TRUE)
table(colnames(pr1)[apply(pr1,1,which.max)], dat[[2]]$Species)
#> setosa versicolor virginica
#> setosa 22 0 0
#> versicolor 0 25 3
#> virginica 0 2 23
table(colnames(pr2)[apply(pr2,1,which.max)], dat[[2]]$Species)
#> setosa versicolor virginica
#> setosa 17 1 8
#> versicolor 1 15 10
#> virginica 4 11 8
scoring(dat[[2]]$Species, pr1=pr1, pr2=pr2)
#> brier -logscore
#> pr1 0.08719281 0.1419163
#> pr2 0.51025054 0.8547227
## quantitative response:
scoring(response=1:10, prediction=rnorm(1:10))
#> mse mae
#> prediction 42.27782 5.757058